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Pheek P heek is the AKA of Jean-Patrice Remillard, a Canadian electronic musician and sound artist. He was born in Quebec and has been active in the music scene since the late 1990s. Listen to  FUTURΣWAVES 11 - Pheek pres. The Social System Ensemble He evolves in a subtle amalgam of dub, microhouse and ambient, without ever completely falling into one style or the other, and is characterized by intricate rhythms, glitchy sounds, and a focus on texture and atmosphere. He has released numerous albums and EPs on various labels, including Relic, Mutek_Rec, and his own imprint,  Archipel. In addition to his work as a musician, Pheek is also an experienced sound engineer and mastering engineer, and has worked with a wide range of artists and labels to help craft their sound. He has also been involved in the development of software tools for music production and has given workshops and lectures on music technology and production. Overall, Pheek is a highly respected figure in the world of ele

The night we dance at -40°C at the Igloofest

The night we dance at -40°C at the Igloofest

The 2023 Igloofest in Montreal has just wrapped up and it was a memorable one for all the attendees. This year's festival was marked by the coldest day in the festival's history, with temperatures reaching a staggering -40°C with wind chill. Despite the harsh weather conditions, thousands of ravers braved the cold and gathered at the Old Port of Montreal for a historic night of good music.

I went with my friend Saul, we came prepared with the warmest gear we could find, including heavy coats, snow pants, boots, and multiple layers of clothing. The festival organizers also went above and beyond to ensure the safety of the attendees, providing warming stations throughout the site and hot drinks to help people warm up. 

Despite the cold, we where exited to listen two great couples of artist, Who Made Who and Bob Moses. When we arrive, we grab some booze and headed to the Videotron Stage, where the well known local DJ, Lis Dalton, was warm-upping the vibes for what will come next for us, honestly, it was frozen, but we continued to dance and enjoy the music. The festival's impressive sound system and the energy of the crowd helped create a warm and vibrant atmosphere, making the cold weather seem like a distant memory. 

I've never experienced such cold weather in my life, and much less in a music festival, but the music, art, and the atmosphere were so incredible that sometimes I forgot about the cold. It was an unforgettable experience.

After hearing a bit of Lis Dalton, we went to a small building to heat a bit our feet and then we headed to the main stage, were Who Made Who was starting to play their hybrid DJ set. Their presentation was absolutely incredible, as expected, teaching good instrumental house the way it's suppose to be. After them Bob Moses closed the night with a brilliant groovy house set to close the night with a flourish.

The 2023 Igloofest will forever be remembered as one of the coldest, yet most memorable winter festivals in Montreal's history. It proves that even in the face of extreme weather, people will come together to celebrate music and art.

In conclusion, the 2023 Igloofest in Montreal was a testament to the festival's enduring popularity and the resilience of its attendees. Despite the coldest day in the festival's history, the people remained in high spirits and continued to enjoy the music and winter activities, making it a truly unforgettable experience.


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