


Pheek is the AKA of Jean-Patrice Remillard, a Canadian electronic musician and sound artist. He was born in Quebec and has been active in the music scene since the late 1990s.

Listen to FUTURĪ£WAVES 11 - Pheek pres. The Social System Ensemble

He evolves in a subtle amalgam of dub, microhouse and ambient, without ever completely falling into one style or the other, and is characterized by intricate rhythms, glitchy sounds, and a focus on texture and atmosphere. He has released numerous albums and EPs on various labels, including Relic, Mutek_Rec, and his own imprint, Archipel.

In addition to his work as a musician, Pheek is also an experienced sound engineer and mastering engineer, and has worked with a wide range of artists and labels to help craft their sound. He has also been involved in the development of software tools for music production and has given workshops and lectures on music technology and production.

Overall, Pheek is a highly respected figure in the world of electronic music, known for his meticulous attention to detail and his innovative approach to sound design and composition. He cultivates a sound maturity of his own and renews with live improvisation. He never hesitates to explore new avenues, to push sound research to its ultimate limits. Through his numerous and uncompromising approaches, he constructs a sound universe of his own, to which one need only surrender to experience the joys of extraordinary auditory experiences.


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